New Speedlite Gel 20pc
Mar 1st, 2021 at 01:12 Electronics Nairobi 72 views
Brand New
Photo & Video Accessories
Light Gels
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Gel kits offer you a choice of 20 dynamic colors and correction filters to help create dramatic and theatrical lighting in your images. each kit includes 14 color effects gels, 5 color correction gels, and 1 diffusion gel. choose from a range of reds, yellows, blues, and greens to punch up an image with color and create mood. or, use the correction gels to balance your flash to ambient light. selens gels are made from the world's highest quality materials filters. how are lighting gels typically used? colored lighting filters, or gels, are often used as accent lights, or to add dramatic color to backgrounds or selected portions of a scene for artistic effect. correction filters are typically used to adjust the color temperature of a flash to better match other light sources to improve overall color balance in an image. what flash brands will the selens universal gels fit? with a coverage area of 2.5”