Special Custom Professional Pet Grooming Kit
Mar 3rd, 2021 at 03:40 Animals & Pets Nairobi 91 views
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Cover all pet's basic needs. all-in-one grooming tool kit best to keep up with your pet's basic needs, maintain animal health and physical appearance like care of coat and nails. 2. everything pet owner looking for - from trimming and brushing animal hair, polishing nails, preventing matting and tangling of hair, avoiding hair build-up and excess shedding 3. 7-piece important to have pet grooming kit includes double side comb, undercoat dematting rake, mat breaker shedding rake, double side pin/bristle brush, flea comb, nail clippers and nail file; with free trimming scissors no extra charge 4. practical, easy and safe disigne - essential tools for everyday pet care, safe to use and easy to clean. save you money on costly visits to grooming salons and bond u with the pet through one on one time together during the grooming session